viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

George Whitman, thank you

The picture is quite old... George's 91 nowdays, he has been working in Shakespeare and Co for more than 50 years and the little lady who's in the picture with him (his daughter Sylvia) has taken his place in the book shop.
In july 2007 we met in the book shop, I didn´t know what to say, so I simply looked at him and smiled. That day I bought "George's Marvellous Medicine" so that I could always remember the day I met this real George...
When I meet and old person like this, one who has done so much for a century... people usually despite beauty, but sometimes you happen to meet someone who has dedicated a whole life to it. Sometimes you meet George Whitman or Jorge Semprún, and you feel like being in front of the most marvellous thing that has happened to humanity in the last century.
A few years ago I discovered two death tortoises in the beach with my family.. they where huge, and we understood those animals had probably lived for more that 100 years. I lay down next to one of them, and looked at her closely, I was in front of history... the respect i felt for those tortoises was similar to the one I feel for people like the Georges I've talked about.
It might be difficult to understand for many of you, but that's the way it is.. the beings I respect the most are the oldest ones who have meant "beauty" for this awful Earth.
Thank you very much George, thank you for being still there, hopefully we shall meet again next summer

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